El Conde is a dark comedy/horror that portrays Augusto Pinochet, a symbol of world fascism, as a vampire who lives hidden in a ruined mansion in the cold southern tip of South America, feeding his appetite for evil to sustain his existence. After 250 years of life, Pinochet has decided to stop drinking blood and abandon the privilege of eternal life. He can no longer bear that the world remembers him as a thief. Despite the disappointing and opportunistic nature of his family, he finds new inspiration to continue living a life of counterrevolutionary passion through an unexpected relationship.

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Best Film
Film not in the English Language
Pablo Larraín
Original Screenplay
Guillermo Calderón
Pablo Larraín
Leading Actor
Jaime Vadell
Supporting Actor
Alfredo Castro
Supporting Actress
Gloria Münchmeyer
Paula Luchsinger
Ed Lachman, ASC
Production Design
Rodrigo Bazaes
Francisa Correa
Eduardo Paxeco
Costume Design
Muriel Parra
Make Up & Hair
Margarita Marchi
Sofía Subercaseaux
Miguel Hormazábal,
Mauricio López
Juan Carlos Maldonado